Zabbix Metric Streamer

Big data integration for Zabbix metrics

IntelliTrend Metric Streamer

The IntelliTrend Metric Streamer streams metrics from Zabbix to external applications in real time.

The Metric Streamer offers great flexibility in configuration, as its powerful routing concept and the configuration of JavaScript transformers can cover many different use cases.

The metrics can either be read directly from the Zabbix database or automatically sent to the Metric Streamer via a Zabbix webhook. In the end, the data can either be sent to an NSQ or Kafka message queue or written to a file.

Metric Streamer Architektur
IntelliTrend Metric Streamer – Architektur


  • Automatically stream Zabbix metrics to external applications
  • Integration with NSQ
  • Integration with Apache Kafka
  • Flexible routing system allowing for multiple inputs and outputs
  • Configuration of data transformers with JavaScript code
  • Easy configuration
  • Adapter for Zabbix database
  • Adapter for Zabbix webhooks
  • No modifications to Zabbix source code required
  • Well suited for operation in Docker

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